Daniel Mack (b.1947) is an American artist working with natural and found objects,
in the traditions of Alchemy and Surrealism. He explores the consequences of Ordering
and Disordering, Variation and Violation. His Muse for all this is Hermes, The Trickster,
"The One who shakes the Snowglobe.” There are several series of objects:
The Ani
Daniel Mack (b.1947) is an American artist working with natural and found objects,
in the traditions of Alchemy and Surrealism. He explores the consequences of Ordering
and Disordering, Variation and Violation. His Muse for all this is Hermes, The Trickster,
"The One who shakes the Snowglobe.” There are several series of objects:
The Anima series, a collection of carved figures and assemblage to honor emerging,
changing qualities of human life. They are our crones, elders, caretakers, hermits, misfits,
and shamans. They start from driftwood bark collected from the Hudson River and take
on form, feature, color, memory and bits of nature and culture. When put together in
twos, threes, and fours, they tell stories about inner lives, families, and friends.
Stone Totems, bits of brick, and beach stones, shaped as needed.
Cord Cutters pointy, edgy things to help pare, prune and sever toxic relationships.
Imaginal Giftssmall box of odd, useless, yet fetching, objects.
Altar Kits more tool-like objects for inviting and adjusting liminal energies.
He is a writer: seven books, an ongoing column for a regional magazine, and his opus,
The Casual Alchemist,forever in process, and freely available.
Mack is a founding member of the Seligmann Center of Surrealism in Sugar Loaf, NY.
He lives and works in Warwick, NY. danielmack.com thecasualalchemist.com
Scrapbook Yikes!! In process, tweaking, March 2025
Exploring your dear fictions, Spiral -Meadow-Prodromal Time, Kairos, “Near Enemies”
KAIROS! "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner
AllTime Big Soup Available/Energy + Ancestral time not daily, but Seasonal thinking
Time is different Expect Shapeshifting Hold it all Lightly Change is the Norm
We are being lived by powers we pretend to understand W.H. Auden
Aging is just another time of transition, challenge and… opportunity. It has some of the old ways and some new ways There's often imbalance, changes in mood, sleep, body, vision, hearing, memory, responsibility, visibility. QUESTIONS form: Who am I when I am no longer doing as much, no longer as productive, no longer indispensable to so many others? I’m shedding objects, clothes, books, body; At times, grumpy, angry, annoyed, foggy, sad. Is aging a Disability? A “handicap”?
It has something to do with “radical acceptance”.
Yes, there’s been a loss,but what’s opened up, awakened? Coming to fruition? New ways to be, to witness.
Creativity is about finding ways—through making and crafting-- to keep making our lives meaningful.
In what ways can we become regenerative for ourselves, our families and our community?
Andy Fisher suggests this for the elders: “They give themselves away, learn to dwell in timelessness, tend the youth.”
Activities for people interested in developing creative approaches to the challenges of later life, and for anyone going through a life transition. for taking small risks, following curiosity, adjusting your story, kindling self-care and contact with the Creative Unconscious
SPECIFICS?? wander, sunsitting, smile more, Collect objects to Share Story Blocks words/images/markings of Bio/Gifts/Values,
Your Thin Places??
Make Arrangements Wild Order/Disorder Paths, Arches or just cans on a shelf!
Use the Positive NO; Talk Less;
Haiku approach: on StoryBlocks and Cards Thumbprint as ID
Small/Concise, Sensual/Textural, seasonal, contrast, Three elements about some shared experience of Awe, Nature, Stories or Making
Time to visit your local Casual Alchemist? … for an adjustment Why be with it? (It’s difficult, elusive, upsetting)
Jangled, anxious, fearful of change/loss The ambiguous, subtle, Risk, Edges
increasing Impulsivity, need for control Tendency to quickly judge, dismiss, disown
Autobiography in Five Short Chapters By Portia Nelson
I I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk
I fall in. I am lost ... I am helpless. It isn't my fault. It takes me forever to find a way out.
II I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again. I can't believe I am in the same place but, it isn't my fault. It still takes a long time to get out.
III I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there.
I still fall in ... it's a habit. my eyes are open I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately.
IV I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.
V I walk down another street.
ASK: What have younoticed most about aging? Bad breath? Share Cell Image? “Increasing sense of marginality, invisibility vulnerability, mortality… Oughts/shoulds recede
What have we “Aged Out” of? Baby aspirin, colonoscopies, ice skating, certain people? Oughting? Shoulding?
What dear fictions are worn out? Do you realise it?
Not just another Episode, but different Season. The characters have changed
Has your default energy style changed? Do you prefer smmer? Boil? Roast!
UpDatingexpressions/activities w prodomal changes, aging, wounds
Explore Them as Meadow Minding = lots going on at once, no key area
Each E’Type has 3D/5D versions available of ALL Archetypes
See what Comes, when you make the Time Intention, Place What feels alive?
Be Alert to your Language: Not Diagnoses, analyses, complaints, editorials
TRY Non Verbal perceiving/expresing. Consider new roleS, Ways, Metaphors
Practicing, being w more Chance, Play Allow for Wounding, as part of Living
Imagine you are on a Trip Stepped Out? Maturation? How have you grown, changed?
Haiku Model for Making as CArdDecks, “StoryBlocks
“Concise mix of 3 small, common, found elements: Sensual/Textural,/seasonal/contrast,
about some shared experience of Awe, Feral/Nature, Stories or Making”
LifeReview Cards of kairotic experiences, wounds Values, habits, OCDs, Metaphors, Clan
Be with Loose Parts and Empty Containers Try Asemic Writing, Erasure Poetry,
Make an Altar Give Gifts Share favorite poems, quotes, images
Your cell phone is a “Shadow Catcher” What has it Caught??
Quiet Reading: James Hillman’s Force of Character ‘Life Review’ Times, Ellen Samuels on Criptime ,“On Habits”
Jean Shinada Bolen’s books on Archetypes, The Enneagram Institute on your Enneagram
You Tube Podcast: Daniel Mack on Creative Aging, Boomer Aging Trends
Explore your Four Needs AWE = Surprise, unexpected, delight
MAKING = Things, Time, Trouble? FERAL= Nature violation, risk wounding
STORY =ways of making sense to self, w others Watch your complicit humor
Each Need has shadow, a blurriness The flutter of Order/Disorder/reOrder
AWE/Meaning/Renewal/Surprise/Delight (attitude of radical acceptance; a kind voice Half full Glass!! YES! Can’t really “Plan” Awe, Surprise… earned insights
Celebrate the Numinous,even in disease
Be Curious, Pleasantly Suspicious about the curves, potholes, gremlins, shadows,
Develop PlayDate Model for yourself; not always at work or a Workshop
PRAYER? Magical Thinking “Contagious, imitative magic” The Ludic
WANDER/NOTICEshadows, borders, edges, changes in Light, Pattern, Texture, ephemera, birds flying fast Learning to read Clues, Glimpses, Auras appear/recede like Clouds
Look for opportunities to lose control, to flutter between order/safety 5 Remembrances
Time/Kairos meadow-mind” Other quietlystarting/working rhythms knitting Time to Amble in 5D
"The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner: “Intrinsic Maturation”
Spiral/Season-inspired Impermanence our Organic nature! Decay, renewal Mono No Aware
Prodromal: the Quiet Power of the slow, the incomplete/the underwhelming of Ambivalence, AmbiguitiesLike opening a jar XProclaimed “Resonate” power of off-stage, marginal, liminal forces, Preconscious events, places, objects. Notice how you are already doing IT : Collecting/saving
changing roles of Order/Disorder Piles/, gentle, unexpected, inclusive
Symptoms of Awe
An increased tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.; smiling; Feelings of being connected with others and nature; episodes of appreciation. A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than from fears based on past experience. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment. A loss of interest in judging self; the ability to love without expecting anything.
A loss of interest in worry, conflict, in interpreting or judging the actions of others.
“The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.”
“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” consultclarity./lao-tzu-
Organic/FERAL Nature You got a Reptile Eye, Own It!
With shifts in capacities eyes, ears, tastes, the weathers, What are you morphing into? Witness
Ferociously organic thinking. feral, primal Wounding Betrayal/Deceptionas a NEED? Estranging, Cord Cutting as Kairos, The Positive “NO thanks” is language of Kairos
“In the goblet of the wound, there is the soul.” James Hillman
Basic STORY: “people wound and get wounded.” Harmony-disruption,-repair.
Technicians of the Sacred Wound “sacred wounding ”is often the trigger to healing/growth
BODY The gods are in the diseases” Symptoms/Conditions direct attention who/where/why
Consult the Pinch: what’s hurting? What else is it?
Own It/Name It NEEDS, especially The Feral, Wounding, Serenity Prayer?
FERAL Organic/Nature is usually the hardest to make peace with needs ways to ease into it
Fear it More or less, We instinctively resist the way that leads through obscurity, darkness, ambiguity, transient, indistinct, confusion: The Organic Wilderness: Your Reptile Eye, amorality? SHADOW is a core part of Being: People Wound and Get Wounded Recognize it! Accompaznying Blame, Shame, Mortification, Moments of Envy, selfishness, Grudges are card-carrying members They cannot be banished but recognized! See Dali Lama Cheese/Fruitcake Story Then there’s Longing, Ferociously organic thinking. feral, primal Tints, =Autism/Aged Tidal Wash SEEMS Indifferent, Dangerous, impersonal Unknown alarms some 3D people. Xempathy
Waved off as irrational, illogical, shadow-lit, Surreal, foggy Sociopathic, Medicalized Pitied
STORIES Old and New Ways (media, words, rhythms) of expressing old truths
Your Mix: Perceived, Imagined Remembered? Your Dear Fictions??
Manner/Medium = message Casual. Not formal logical focus on “Spirals” CripStyle Not “explicated” Not a New WAY, But Resonating /5D flutter/FLOW/INGs learning styles/valence change diff zones of time/custom“5D”
Mono no aware everything as impermanent,
Metaphors creeping in?: Mosaic? Garden? Iceberg Reef,
Weeds Meadow, Season The tidal Wash, Simmer, Boil??
Gurdjieff: No Single self river bed Self is fluid, depending…
What Characters/Archetypes ACTIONS! keep Appearing?Victim! Hero CLANCESTORS who do you count in your lineage? Your mentors? Other Techs of Sacred/Heyoka
FAMILY Who are you most drawn to? Comfortable around? Fits or Misfits?
Scroll ~Kleedrawng Try CVSBks NYT “Life Review” find Images quotes, poems Mobiles
Everything of psychic origin has a Shadow. One face looks forward, the other back a Double Face
words Gerundic Moments NOT Diagnoses Humor: Nymph Lodes! otherways to Witness
RETROCAUSALITY Shadow of chaos is order Wounding self care ps non Medical, holistic
OTHERS. Who enliven you. Activate, not pacify they Shift Develop PlayDate Model for yourself; not always at work GasLighters Ghosts, Surrealists “PlayDate “ The Positive NO thanks Be w Children
NOT at work or a Workshop Break passive, utilitarian Co-Create We each have a Piece: Throw together!
PRETEND YOU ARE TRAVELLING Customs to learn exotic, curious, awesome, not terrifying
You are what you practice? what are you “known” for? What are you eating, watching? Making? Giving, Getting What Orders/Disorders/Rhythms are most compelling for you Your default speed?
Trust your native Intuition, Curiosity and your Gifts See what emerges
Be Alone, Then Later Alone, but more Active, Then, With Others (who?)
?STORIES about the possible Roles of Elders: “They give themselves away, learn to dwell in timelessness, tend the youth. Andy Fisher
the edge and falls for awhile. Maybe it was your turn. William Stafford, “Afterwards”
Notice What gathers around you? mantels, special drawers, dresser tops “Save” Bags, Empties??
Way forward from being Stuck KAIROTIC getting acquainted, not diagnosing Neurodivers Each Type has 3D/5D versions of the Trickster, the irrational, The Ludic, the Engineer Oh, that Portia Nelson Poem
MORE Meadow thinkng, Kairos/Crip as Seasonal, repetitive, not daily Flowing between 3D/5D
ReSpeaking Old Truths…Consciousness a Force OUTSIDE self We are receptors; neurodivegents and gals
Risk/Allow/endure/ADMIT being seen as “indecisive Lazy, Underwhelming failed, marginal, trivial, sociopathic, a narcissist” a slight loss/sharing of control, order/safety BoM begin-middle-end, birth-life-death, past-present-future
Shapeshifting MOTHER/beautiful,, Bountiful, Ferocious, aonic benevolent, Maeve/NATURE, Hekate“Prodomal” = Meadow of Archetypes change position blend visit, bump
Living in The Present as much as possible
There was once a farmer in China who owned a horse. “You are so lucky!” his neighbors told him, “to have a horse to pull the cart for you.” “Maybe,” the farmer replied.
One day he didn’t latch the gate properly and the horse ran away. “Oh no! That is terrible news!” his neighbors cried. “Such bad luck!” “Maybe,” the farmer replied.
A few days later the horse returned, bringing with it six wild horses. “How fantastic! You are so lucky,” his neighbors told him. “Maybe,” the farmer replied.
The following week the farmer’s son was breaking-in one of the wild horses when it threw him to the ground, breaking his leg. “Oh no!” the neighbors cried. “Such bad luck, all over again!” “Maybe,” the farmer replied.
The next day soldiers came and took away all the young men to fight in the army. The farmer’s son was left behind. “You are so lucky!” his neighbors cried. “Maybe,”the farmer replied.
MAKING to reflect/manifest all the needs Organic nature! Decay, renewal. Haiku-Inspired: sensory, seasonal, textural, reflecting NEEDS Awe, Feral, Stories/Others,; Focus on Present/Season; Sharing experience of maker with toucher PAIRINGS Express BOTH at once Ma/Pa Sacred/Profane, Triples, Your capacity to Repair/Kintsugi Truths/Discoveries/Values, Traces/Encounters People, Places, Events, Objects, Stories: Triples, the Kairotic Moments PRODOMAL Events/People for better and worse which have so shaped your life: Birth experience, love, deaths, career hi and lo points, family, memorable wounds, encounters with nature and ?? accidents, coincidences LifeReview? Age, Crossroads, Trauma,
ADD to your Deck: SCRYING “Seeing Through, aneu ” WhatElse? OR/AND?” in Words, Obj,
Gift made w an Other in mind Potlatching Too good to sell” Engage w alt economy
21stC Alchemy Tools = Kairotic devices/gizmos, for Enchantment allure, awe transmutators–of an element to morph into another to give themselves away, to dwell in timelessness, to tend the youth. Cord cutters Allures, Scrying, Triples, Irrationalizers, impracticals feralisers, Story Props. Prodomal souvenirs, to remind, ease change/tranScrapbook
MAKING to reflect/manifest all the needs Organic nature! Decay, renewal.
Haiku-Inspired: sensory, seasonal, textural, reflecting NEEDS Awe, Feral, Stories/Others,; Focus on Present/Season; Sharing experience of maker with toucher PAIRINGS Express BOTH at once Ma/Pa Sacred/Profane, Triples, Your capacity to Repair/Kintsugi Truths/Discoveries/Values, Traces/Encounters People, Places, Events, Objects, Stories: Triples, the Kairotic Moments PRODOMAL Events/People for better and worse which have so shaped your life: Birth experience, love, deaths, career hi and lo points, family, memorable wounds, encounters with nature and ?? accidents, coincidences LifeReview? Age, Crossroads, Trauma,
ADD to your Deck: SCRYING “Seeing Through, aneu ” WhatElse? OR/AND?” in Words, Obj,
Gift made w an Other in mind Potlatching Too good to sell” Engage w alt economy
21stC Alchemy Tools = Kairotic devices/gizmos, for Enchantment allure, awe transmutators–of an element to morph into another to give themselves away, to dwell in timelessness, to tend the youth. Cord cutters Allures, Scrying, Triples, Irrationalizers, impracticals feralisers, Story Props. Prodomal souvenirs, to remind, ease change/transformation/presence of Needs Shapeshifting Archetypes,
MAKING your Deck/BkofMrs Themes? LIFE REVIEW= Kairotic Moments Check Cellpx Coexisting Multiple S’elves/LineageS: Mate, Parent, Doula, wounded/wounding-healer, witness, guide Re-teller Mobiles: casual, moving, orderly and not, Empties, SHELVES/ALTARS ” pound cards, Cards Stones to Trade,
See what Comes, when you make the Intention, Time, Place Objects made, bought, found Duchamp: not Finished
Making, Orders, disorders, reorders Altars, Textures shapes Kits,/Games, Stool,Toy Boats paintchips, Enc w Chance, Intuition, accident PAIRINGS Express BOTH at once: Piles/Rows, Ma/Pa Sacred/Profane
Trust your native Intuition, Curiosity and your Gifts What emerges from Quiet
Wander, Play more Hold intention, Interest; Quiet time Hold it all Lightly!
Examine Quietly, Alone, Then, Later Alone, but more Active, Then, With Others (who?)
See what Comes, when you make the Intention, Time, Place “The artist performs only one part of the creative process. The onlooker completes it, and it is the onlooker who has the last word." Marcel Duchamp
Tip offs to presence of Near Enemies “I heard it on NPR”
Each Need has Near Enemies SEE Tip Offs Rarely visible…largely Unconscious, regular as a Whiteboard
Be Wary of Multitasking “FIXING” Labelling/Action/Response lure of literal, B/W. Plans, pLANNING” Lists, absolute, self evident
You get a Slightly “off” feeling of being bullied, handled, stifled seemingly so, too positive, unassailable values “Self-Evident” Feigned Empathy as ‘JUST TRYING TO HELP” Really to shape, control the situation….
Often at Full Volume! Crisis mode As value, Alarm/Thrust/Bolt to Action QUICK to Pathology/Diagnosis, FIX IT “Caught Early! Thank Gawd” , Never really Quiet, BUSY, useful, measurable, visible actions, outcomes Always Multitasking
Time Chopped into Plans, Parties, Crises, Events: with Expectations, obligations, disappointments …. then GRUDGES, Tending/simmering,
and tasty. Attention to Past or Future, avoids the Present
Memory/Tradition Primacy of Remembering Exalts/Exploits The Way things Were as control device Hardens Memories into Rules/Standards, Cudgels susceptible to Longing
Values Emphasizes Encourages “self-evident” Typical/ablist principles logic, nationalism, useful, productive, efficient, upgrading Work, Tasks, Fix, Be Busy, helpful Bettering Upgrading, The Visible/Linear/literal, Utility, Winning, admiring the Heroic Sacred Cows Righteous beyond reproach, like knitting, , Wraps self in being saved, blessed, smarter, enlightened; Clarity held as self-evident value. Insisting on One POV over all others Lawn and Order
Language Prefers Medical, Clinical, Technical, Win-Lose Linear/literal, expounding, Diagnosing/Fixing Discourse/opinion; verbal by default; Talks about self… “Organ Recitals”, monologues, Fairness! Distractions? Irrelevant details of other’s lives, It’s just rearranging deck chairs Sharing/Trading tales of woe 3Details is default for “relationship”
Temperament: cheerfully(aggressively) optimistic “to help”, to fix, to suggest a Better Way unreasonable joy; free from Hope and Fear B/W-Duality Either/Or Monocular Vision most comfortable in 3Dlife And depressed… Poor Me Victim, Deficiency-Focussed
Feels Competitive, Protective, Control-sensitive: having it, losing it, winning
Quick to Sort, Order, Rank, Label, Shame, Complain, Outrage
Always Notices Rule Breaking by Others;
Belittles/Dismisses Other Ways as “gaslighting, as pathological, Perverse/Diverse, unevolved, deficient, Dismisses creative Variation as Violation Emphasizes Work, Tasks, The Useful over Play
Cautious of Curiosity, The Imagination, ”Updating,” change eg of new roleS of Elder Parent
Averse to Shadow, The subtle, ambiguous, edges, Risk, Non Verbal perceiving/expressing.
We live among spirits, metaphysical beings, ghosts haunt us, angels protect us, ancestors guide us. Metaphysically or metaphorically, psychologically real. The trick is noticing the spirits, the past that is present. We have conceptual languages to talk about them: archetypes, cultural complexes, intergenerational trauma. They live in our language, our stories, our landscapes, our bodies.(Our ordering, disordering, collection, making) (Near Enemies: simplifying, the story). Some that would disrupt our certainties yearn to emerge into our awareness. seeing is a movement toward wholeness. Not goodness per se, or moral purity, but a reconnection and relationship among parts that have become separated. For that to happen, we need spaces in which they are welcome. Zeus' sister Hestia was the goddess of the hearth and of hospitality., the first sacrifice was always made to Hestia, because hosting, welcoming, holding space comes before all else.
The Universe is a single living substance, composed of interactive opposites.
Mind and Matter are a unified entity, just one of many Sacred Pairings or Polarities. “the male/female duality is a microcosm of the universe The stick has two ends”. “Things are not what they seem, nor are they otherwise”.
Time is not chronological, not at all like a clock. Kairos is the occult sense of time: Things happen at “the right, critical or opportune moment”.
Imagination is a force that changes Matter in subtle, elusive ways, through intuition, chance, accident. It can be contacted through trance, meditation, experimentation, wandering, contact with nature and especially Play.
In life, Meaning Migrates. It must be found, tended; It goes away, to be found again, and again. Such is the Path.
Self-realization, and thus realization of the universe, comes through a variety of methods e.g. intuition, illumination, meditation, accident, self-induced derangement, or experimentation.
sformation/presence of Needs Shapeshifting Archetypes,
MAKING your Deck/BkofMrs Themes? LIFE REVIEW= Kairotic Moments Check Cellpx Coexisting Multiple S’elves/LineageS: Mate, Parent, Doula, wounded/wounding-healer, witness, guide Re-teller Mobiles: casual, moving, orderly and not, Empties, SHELVES/ALTARS ” pound cards, Cards Stones to Trade,
See what Comes, when you make the Intention, Time, Place Objects made, bought, found Duchamp: not Finished
Making, Orders, disorders, reorders Altars, Textures shapes Kits,/Games, Stool,Toy Boats paintchips, Enc w Chance, Intuition, accident PAIRINGS Express BOTH at once: Piles/Rows, Ma/Pa Sacred/Profane
Trust your native Intuition, Curiosity and your Gifts What emerges from Quiet
Wander, Play more Hold intention, Interest; Quiet time Hold it all Lightly!
ExamineQuietly, Alone, Then, Later Alone, but more Active, Then, With Others (who?)
See what Comes, when you make the Intention, Time, Place “The artist performs only one part of the creative process. The onlooker completes it, and it is the onlooker who has the last word." Marcel Duchamp
Tip offs to presence of Near Enemies “I heard it on NPR”
Each Need has Near Enemies SEE Tip Offs Rarely visible…largely Unconscious, regular as a Whiteboard
Be Waryof Multitasking “FIXING” Labelling/Action/Response lure of literal, B/W. Plans, pLANNING” Lists, absolute, self evident
You get a Slightly “off” feeling of being bullied, handled, stifled seemingly so, too positive, unassailable values “Self-Evident” Feigned Empathy as ‘JUST TRYING TO HELP” Really to shape, control the situation….
Often at Full Volume! Crisis mode As value, Alarm/Thrust/Bolt to Action QUICK to Pathology/Diagnosis, FIX IT “Caught Early! Thank Gawd” , Never really Quiet, BUSY, useful, measurable, visible actions, outcomes Always Multitasking
Time Chopped into Plans, Parties, Crises, Events: with Expectations, obligations,disappointments …. then GRUDGES, Tending/simmering,
and tasty. Attention to Past or Future, avoids the Present
Memory/Tradition Primacy of Remembering Exalts/Exploits The Way things Were as control device Hardens Memories into Rules/Standards, Cudgels susceptible to Longing
Values Emphasizes Encourages “self-evident” Typical/ablist principles logic, nationalism, useful, productive, efficient, upgrading Work, Tasks, Fix, Be Busy, helpful Bettering Upgrading, The Visible/Linear/literal, Utility, Winning, admiring the Heroic Sacred Cows Righteous beyond reproach, like knitting, , Wraps self in being saved, blessed, smarter, enlightened; Clarity held as self-evident value. Insisting on One POV over all others Lawn and Order
Language Prefers Medical, Clinical, Technical, Win-Lose Linear/literal, expounding, Diagnosing/Fixing Discourse/opinion; verbal by default; Talks about self… “Organ Recitals”, monologues, Fairness! Distractions? Irrelevant details of other’s lives, It’s just rearranging deck chairs Sharing/Trading tales of woe 3Details is default for “relationship”
Temperament: cheerfully(aggressively) optimistic “to help”, to fix, to suggest a Better Way unreasonable joy; free from Hope and Fear B/W-Duality Either/Or Monocular Visionmost comfortable in 3Dlife And depressed… Poor Me Victim, Deficiency-Focussed
Feels Competitive, Protective, Control-sensitive: having it, losing it, winning
Quick to Sort, Order, Rank, Label, Shame, Complain, Outrage
Always Notices Rule Breaking by Others;
Belittles/Dismisses Other Ways as “gaslighting, as pathological, Perverse/Diverse, unevolved, deficient, Dismisses creative Variation as Violation Emphasizes Work, Tasks, The Useful over Play
Cautious of Curiosity, The Imagination, ”Updating,” change eg of new roleS of Elder Parent
Averse to Shadow, The subtle, ambiguous, edges, Risk, Non Verbal perceiving/expressing.
We live among spirits, metaphysical beings, ghosts haunt us, angels protect us, ancestors guide us. Metaphysically or metaphorically, psychologically real. The trick is noticing the spirits, the past that is present. We have conceptual languages to talk about them: archetypes, cultural complexes, intergenerational trauma. They live in our language, our stories, our landscapes, our bodies.(Our ordering, disordering, collection, making) (Near Enemies: simplifying, the story). Some that would disrupt our certainties yearn to emerge into our awareness. seeing is a movement toward wholeness. Not goodnessper se, or moral purity, but a reconnection and relationship among parts that have become separated. For that to happen, we need spaces in which they are welcome. Zeus' sister Hestia was the goddess of the hearth and of hospitality., the first sacrifice was always made to Hestia, because hosting, welcoming, holding space comes before all else.
The Universe is a single living substance, composed of interactive opposites.
Mind and Matter are a unified entity, just one of many Sacred Pairings or Polarities. “the male/female duality is a microcosm of the universe The stick has two ends”. “Things are not what they seem, nor are they otherwise”.
Time is not chronological, not at all like a clock. Kairosis the occult sense of time: Things happen at “the right, critical or opportune moment”.
Imagination is a force that changes Matter in subtle, elusive ways, through intuition, chance, accident. It can be contacted through trance, meditation, experimentation, wandering, contact with nature and especially Play.
In life, Meaning Migrates. It must be found, tended; It goes away, to be found again, and again. Such is the Path.
Self-realization, and thus realization of the universe, comes through a variety of methods e.g. intuition, illumination, meditation, accident, self-induced derangement, or experimentation.